There’s hope out the window

Everyone always asks me: why them? Why twenty one pilots? This is why. Because every time I walk into one of their concerts I feel such love and heartbreak In the arena. This band, their music, it saved my life. I see a thousand people who have been through the same thing, who are lucky to be there tonight. I hear people sobbing and crying and laughing. I see two people on stage who faced the same battle and won, who care. Who hug the fans who cry, who scream and shout to tell us we’re loved. Who’s main message is to stay alive. Sometimes I stand in these packed arenas and I close my eyes and I just listen, because that’s the sound of 12,000 other people who made it. I cry and I grin and afterwards I leave with something new, I feel hope and I feel happy. And that’s why they’re my favourite band. Not only do they have amazing music, and they know how to put on a show. But it’s something special, it’s something so incredibly special and it helps me through every low day. It feels like home |-//

-Hope x

Dear trans people

We have officially reached the point where I’d rather the whole of the human race was wiped out rather than having to continue in a society like this. It seems for every step we take forward, we take another two back; between denying immigrants basic rights, world-wide chaos in war and Donald Trump this world has reached a whole new level of fucked up. Now, as of today, we have the news that Trump has banned Transgender people from the American military because (and I quote) it “cannot be burdened” by the medication transgender people require to be themselves. Here is my response the transgender people of the world and America. Here’s to my friend who deserves to fight for his country no matter what he is nor what he was.

Dear Transgender people,

I stand with you. I march with you for the equality you deserve. I fight with you for every right that should be yours. I will not stand on no mans land and let you fall, I stand strong with you as we overcome prejudice and change the world for the better.  I will always put your rights on the same balance as everyone else walking this earth. We are all human, no matter what race, gender or sexuality. I will always fight valiantly beside you with pride to be with you, in the same way you should be able to fight with pride for your country. You are valid. You always have been valid and you always will be valid. There’s a moral that I live by: it does not matter what is on the outside- gender, riches, sexuality, race, religion. I don’t care as long as you are comfortable. What matters is who you are, what you stand for, what you will fight for. That’s what truly matters, what is on the inside. Like in the same way you and I would never treat someone differently because of the house they live I, for it is the people inside and their hospitality whom really matter. Therefore, in the same way, we should never treat those who are different from us with less respect. I celebrate your difference. For you are you, and what you are is beautiful and valid. Trans people are beautiful.

You and your community will never be a burden. In fact you are the exact opposite of a burden, you are mainly kind-hearted and wonderful people who are loved and cherished by those around you. Don’t believe the words of the goon who has his head up his own arse. Believe the ones you love and whom love you. Your community is something the we should be proud of, I am proud of each and every one of you for persevering and overcoming the odds. You are just as incredible as gay people and asexuals and women and people of colour. I admire your courage and love. You. Are. Not. A. Burden. I want every trans person to know that your rights are my rights, are men’s rights, are black people’s rights, are human rights. Because you matter in our society just as much as every other individual. You deserve respect and love like everyone else on this planet. And I respect you. We will stand together and fight back. We will destroy each prejudice against you and we will succeed in creating a hopeful future. You are love, you are valid, you are beautiful. Transgender rights are humans rights and I stand with you.

~Hope xx

[For Troy and every other trans American solider- thank you for your bravery and determination. Thank you for your passion and fight. You are loved.]